UNDP’s Integrated SDG Insights explore how to achieve the SDGs by 2030. So that no one is left behind.
‘SDG Insights’ playbooks transcend development “as usual,” and leverages data innovation, AI and systems analysis to chart credible pathways that help countries meet the 2030 Agenda.
SDG Moment — This section provides an overview of a country's economic growth trajectory, with new insights on sustainability and inclusiveness of growth pathways.
SDG Trends & Priorities — This section builds from the foundation of national SDG progress and uses machine learning to analyse national development ambition with an SDG lens.
SDG Interlinkages — Combined, these insights are mapped against SDG interlinkages to define policy choices the accelerate SDG progress, tailored to national context.
Finance & Stimulus — These policy choices are made against fiscal constraints and opportunities for stimulus mapped in this section to ensure choices translate to development impact and leave no one behind.
While economic growth is a key element in achieving the SDGs, many countries are intent on moving beyond growth as a yardstick for progress. In the short run, growth enables the SDGs; but in the long run, the SDGs aim to transform the pattern of growth itself.
Poverty: Percentage of the population under each threshold (PPP$ a day).
Data not available.
Carbon Intensity: CO2 emissions intensity of GDP (tCO2 per PPP $1,000).
Fifty-six years of Israeli occupation, recurrent and intensifying hostilities, continuing blockade of the Gaza Strip, as well as the intra-Palestinian divide have been major factors restricting the SDG policy space for the State of Palestine.
Palestine’s pace of growth during the 2023-2025 cycle is in coping mode, characterized by being 2% lower, on average, than the global rate. This moderate economic expansion is not expected to exert any noticeable impact on poverty reduction. This brings to the fore the urgency to address key distributional challenges to accelerate poverty reduction at $3.65 and $6.85 a day. On the other hand, this economic growth cycle comes at the expense of the environment as the country’s carbon emissions intensity of GDP is expected to increase at an annual rate of 3% due to fossil fuel usage.
Understanding how
State of Palestine
performs against the SDG targets provides a baseline landscape against which to build integrated SDG pathways. SDG progress tracking follows UN Stats standards and methodology, and is aligned with country profiles.
State of Palestine
’s national priorities are analysed using machine learning to reveal the most prominent SDGs referenced in national policy documents. This analysis uses a custom-built model for SDG classification. It considers 100k+ terms, including phrases and expressions.
Maps synergies and trade-offs of national priorities to the most relevant SDG targets to chart policy pathways with most potential to accelerate progress.
1.5: Build resilience to environmental, economic and social disasters
The Israeli occupation has a major negative impact on the social, economic and environmental resilience of the Palestinian people. In Palestine, access to natural resources is restricted and policy planning and budgeting instruments are limited. Israel maintains control over most of the underlying determinants of human rights that are prerequisites for achieving adequate standards of living. It controls internal boundaries, air space, sea and, in most areas, restricts infrastructure development and access to resources, including energy, land, water and other natural and cultural assets. Israel also restricts movement of people and goods across and within the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). There is a pressing need to build resilience and foster spatial equality among communities and individuals and to reduce their vulnerability to climate-related events, environmental disasters and socio-economic shocks .
Palestine has the opportunity to leverage available resources to develop a climate resilient, resource-efficient and diversified economy, including by fostering a more productive and sustainable agricultural sector. It can draw on relatively high levels of tertiary education and potential for digital solutions that require less physical resources. Investing in inclusive and quality health care, education and social protection is key to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable. Leaving no one behind requires strengthening systems to ensure inclusive, responsive and quality delivery of public goods and services that address geographic disparities and location-specific needs. Advancing gender equality, prioritizing youth employment, and addressing the needs of people with disabilities will contribute to greater resilience of all Palestinians.
3.8: Achieve universal health coverage
The health care system in Palestine struggles to provide adequate services for the population. Geographical barriers imposed by the occupation (e.g. checkpoints in the West Bank, blockade on the Gaza Strip), as well as violations of the right to health during outbreaks of violence (e.g. targeting first responders and/or health care facilities) have significant impacts on the provision of and access to health services. Gaps in the supply chain management of medical equipment and supplies, particularly in the Gaza Strip, on account of the blockade, also hinder the responsiveness of the Palestinian health care system. The fiscal crisis is also preventing the Ministry of Health (MoH) from ensuring adequate capacities to provide continuous and quality health care services. The range of specialized health services in Gaza and the West Bank is limited, with large gaps in capacities to deliver proper services and to cover their cost. This leaves most of the population who need specialized health services unable to access adequate and timely treatment, particularly in Gaza.
A good network of Primary Health Care services and providers (MoH, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA), NGOs) provide a base for the expansion and investment of health care to the most vulnerable. Focusing efforts on increasing the local health workforce, while advancing comprehensive health sector reform (including the health insurance system, financial protection, referrals, and social protection), can contribute to filling gaps in the Palestinian health care system. Adolescents’ health care needs should continue to be addressed, as should the gender, age and disability-specific health care needs of women, the elderly and persons with disabilities, including within the broader social protection system.
8.2: Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity
The Palestinian business environment is mainly characterized by micro- and small-sized formal and informal enterprises, concentrated in low productivity subsectors and operating in fragmented production systems. The occupation-related restrictions on the movement of people and goods both in Gaza and the West Bank, coupled with the limited access to and control over natural resources, contribute to productivity disparities. Dependence on imports and limited access to and competitiveness in local and international markets further hamper growth and engagement in business development activities, particularly for small and informal firms lacking financial support. Progress towards a more productive and inclusive Palestinian economy is hindered by limited focus on market-relevant innovation and technological skills in the education system, a brain-drain of skilled workers to Israel, limited youth participation in technical and vocational education and training and women's involvement in the economy being largely confined to the informal sector.
Enabling private sector growth for employment, livelihoods, and poverty reduction requires diversification of the economy and innovation, particularly in high value-added sectors. Promoting import substitution, as well as advancing private sector transition to renewable energy and fostering a resource-efficient agricultural sector, are promising pathways for strengthening the Palestinian economy. Cultural tourism and investing in value-based products (Palestinian narrative) can provide opportunities for economic development unique to the Palestinian context. Moreover, investing in market-driven skilling within the education system and promoting youth engagement in technical and vocational education and training, while creating more opportunities for women’s economic participation (including through investments in care services and an inclusive work environment), can further drive progress towards an inclusive economy.
16.1: Reduce violence everywhere
The ongoing Israeli occupation and continued violations of human rights from duty bearers, limited protection from increasingly intensifying violent activities, particularly by settlers, have shaped the current state of increased tension and violence in Palestine. The civic space has been eroding in recent years, and pressure on Palestinian human rights organizations and activists has also been mounting from both the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. Gender-based violence, as well as hate speech against women and women’s rights organizations, continues to be a critical issue needing to be addressed. Inadequate institutional capacities and the intra-Palestinian divide further compound the barriers already posed by the Israeli occupation, limiting the extent to which the State of Palestine can fulfil its obligations, including service delivery, access to justice, promotion of the rights of women and the protection of vulnerable groups at risk of being left behind.
Achieving peace and effective control of the territory is crucial for Palestine to accelerate sustainable development, to reduce humanitarian needs and to build strong institutions. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority can take specific measures to protect vulnerable groups and uphold human rights for all, including legal reforms and harmonization efforts, as well as ensuring equitable access to inclusive and responsive legal and social services. Enhancing mechanisms for accountability for conflict-related violence will also enable Palestine to seize these opportunities and progress towards a secure and prosperous future for all.
16.6: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
The Palestinian government faces a significant lack of transparency and accountability at both national and local levels, leading to eroded citizens' trust. There is a persisting perception that corruption has increased in the past year, and there is high dissatisfaction with levels of democracy, and a belief that waste or nepotism in access to public services prevails. In addition, the World Bank’s World Governance Indicators also show that perceptions of government effectiveness were already low and further declined in 2021. The effectiveness of Palestinian institutions – including their capacity to provide quality and responsive services – is negatively impacted by multiple factors related to the occupation and the internal Palestinian divide, including geographic, political and legal fragmentation and financial and fiscal constraints.
Investing in better responsiveness and quality of service delivery, as well as improving public access to information and services (including by leveraging technology and digital innovation), can contribute to increased institutional effectiveness and foster greater public trust. Advancing legal and policy reforms, including towards transparent and efficient management of public resources, as well as enhancing the inclusion of youth, women and other groups in policy and decision-making processes, is also key to strengthen the effectiveness, transparency and accountability of Palestinian institutions. Additionally, bolstering staff capacities by adopting relevant good practices, and by promoting information-sharing and coordination mechanisms among institutions, will be crucial steps towards achieving these objectives.
15.1: By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainableuse of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services.
By prioritizing Target 15.1 in its 2021-2025 National Development Plan, Ecuadorreaffirmed the significance of protecting and preserving terrestrial ecosystems andtheir biodiversity. This includes recognizing that the investment projects intendedto fulfil Target 15.1 will not only contribute to achieving the SDGs 13, 14 and 15, butwill also help restore ecosystems that underpin the availability and comprehensivemanagement of water resources (SDG 6) and promote their sustainable use (Target12.2). Additionally, it will also foster the generation of new energy from renewablesources (Target 7.2).
To this end, Ecuador seeks to strengthen the management of the National Systemof Protected Areas through its 2022-2032 Strategic Plan and the implementationof the National Forest Restoration Plan 2019-2030. These instruments serve as thetechnical, legal and financial foundation for executing local forest restorationprocesses with a landscape vision, with an overall goal of covering 30,000hectares through its projects. Considering that the proportion of national territoryunder conservation or environmental management, as of 2022, stands at 22.1%, itis necessary to mobilize additional financial resources from various sources andestablish robust governance (Target 17.3) to intensify the care of protected areas.This ensures the conservation of natural and cultural resources, genetic flows, theprovision of environmental services for the benefit of the population and thealignment of policies on the ground.
SDG Push is a futures scenario based on 48 integrated accelerators in the areas of Governance, Social Protection, Green Economy and Digital Disruption. It uses national data to explore the impact on human development by 2030 and 2050 across key SDG indicators. It does this by using ‘International Futures,’ a systems model designed to explore interactions across development systems.
Many countries are facing reduced fiscal space, high debt levels, rising interest rates and downgrades on credit ratings. Fiscal and financial constraints tend to slow or even reverse SDG progress.
Palestine is facing a fiscal crisis due to its significant budget deficit and reduced international budget support. A limited domestic tax base and the Palestinian Authority's reliance/dependency on clearance revenues (import taxes collected by Israel on PA's behalf, which are often withheld and subject to deduction by Israel) has been a major contributing factor.
Palestine's gross government debt is projected at 58.5% of GDP in 2023, which is more than 10 percentage points (pp) below the emerging market and middle-income economies (EMMIE) group of 68.8%. With the projected revenue at 27.3% of GDP this year, Palestine collects 1.3 pp more than the EMMIE group, with an average revenue of 26% of GDP.
The UN Secretary General’s SDG Stimulus Plan lays out a blueprint for action within the existing financial architecture. It includes:
Given the projected fiscal and financial constraints faced by
State of Palestine
possible funding options for the investments derived from the identified interlinkages are as follows:
Click here to view the Methodological Note for the Integrated SDG Insights.
This report is the result of a global exercise carried out using artificial intelligence to identify SDG priorities based on 10 national government documents, together with SDG progress and SDG interlinkage analysis. The implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda in Argentina should be consulted in the Country Reports and National Voluntary Reports.
Assesses challenges and opportunities in national growth trajectories with insights on environmental sustainability and inclusiveness.
Data Sources
Future trajectories to 2025 are based on IMF-WEO GDP projections, distributions of per capita income or consumption from the World Bank, and CO2 emissions from the Global Carbon Budget 2022 and EDGAR (JRC and IEA).
SDG trends tracks progress from 2015 to date for the 231 indicators. National priorities are analysed using machine learning to reveal the most prominent SDGs referenced in national policy documents.
Data Sources
SDG trends tracks progress from 2015 to date for the 231 indicators. National priorities are analysed using machine learning to reveal the most prominent SDGs referenced in national policy documents.
SDG trends tracks progress from 2015 to date for the 231 indicators. National priorities are analysed using machine learning to reveal the most prominent SDGs referenced in national policy documents.
Data Sources
The exercise globally considered a total of 454 documents published from 2015 to August 2022. (Miola et al., 2019 updated in 2021-2022)
Provides insight into indicators of fiscal and financial stress with options (INFF) for stimulus and other means to accelerate progress.
Data Sources
Most recent resource data from UNU-WIDER GRD (between 2018 and 2021), debt and revenue from IMF WEO (between 2020 and forecasts for 2023), external debt from IDS (2023), yields from Haver Analytics (8 June 2023), credit ratings from S&P, Moodys and FITCH (2023), and DSA ratings from World Bank/IMF (31 May 2023).